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Pixies on the loose!

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          A bunch of Cornish Pixies attacked the Linear family's house last week. There was complete mayhem when various pixies tried to stole their baby's blanket. "I've never seen pixies before. How was I supposed to know how to deal with them?" cried Mrs. Linear.   "I'm terribly sorry, my wife is a Muggle and I was working, it has been all my fault." lamented Mr. Linear. Fortunately for this family Mr. Renzzer was near and was able to get rid of those ferocious pixies.
          For those who don't know what's  a pixie, one of our reporters made this brief description of them: "Pixies are electric blue and eight inches in height, don't be fooled by what you see. Their pointed faces and shrill voices can drive anyone mad. Although not really harmful, they aren't exactly harmless either. Cornish pixies are mischievous. Once set loose in a human surrounding, they can create all sort of mess, rampaging everything on sight."